Submitted by
Sestini & Co | on Fri, 03/13/2020 - 12:42 | In
Amidst the uncertainty of the current health crisis, I thought it would be helpful to post a few words to reassure you that at Sestini & Co we are fully geared up to continue our normal service provision.
Our client records are all held electronically and are remotely accessible through a secure interface. All of the team have fast broadband and laptops to facilitate home working should we need to close our Paulton office and we are well-versed in using Skype and Zoom for virtual meetings.
In the event of an office closure, our regular telephone answering service would receive all calls to our office lines and divert these to the appropriate team member’s mobile or home number.
In the meantime, we are of course ensuring that good hygiene standards are maintained and that staff are aware they should self-isolate if they have any relevant symptoms or if they come into contact with anyone infected.
On a lighter note, for US tax clients, it is rumoured that the IRS are considering deferring the April 15 tax filing deadline. As this has not yet been confirmed, we are focusing on ensuring everyone who is able to provide sufficient information has either their tax returns or a tax estimate to enable them to make any necessary payments as usual.
We will keep you informed of any further developments and like to wish everyone well and send our thoughts and best wishes to anyone who is affected by this virus. |